Now if the codon was quadruplet the combinations would be 4 4 256. START and STOP Codons. Start And Stop Codons This causes dissociation of ribosomal subunits and this will cause the release of the amino acid chain produced. . Of all the options listed above only option D UGG is not a stop codon. Stop codon work by binding to release factors. Which of the following is not a stop codon in translation. Which one of the following is a nonsense codon. Is not a stop code on it. These codons signal end of protain synthesis. What does each one indicate. Install this UNG UNG UNG are stopped so Option B. There are three stop currents that is. Which of the following is NOT a stop codon. A stop codon is a trinucleotide sequence within a messenger RNA mRNA molecule that signals a halt to protein synthesis. All of the above are stop codons. So thats why option B will be correct. Ans is
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